Oh, and I dunno if it's intentional or not, but in your profile picture here with the panda, you have Japanese writing %u30A2%u30AA%u30AB%u30B5(aokasa)... which doesn't really sound like "A-OKs". %u30A8%u30FC%u30AA%u30FC%u30B1%u30FC%
u30BA or %u30A8%u30A4%u30AA%u30A6%u30B1%u30A4%
u30BA (eioukeizu) would sound more like "A-OKs".
You guys have some pretty awesome music.
In your song comments in the Audio Portal, you guys have the wrong link. You put myspace.com/theaoskrok (AOsk) instead of myspace.com/theaoksrok (AOks).
You guys should put your MySpace page as your website so people can just click that for convenience.